Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you say cat?

Today was a milestone in the baby/kitty relationship. Our feisty feline, known affectionately as Missus Chickens, was enjoying some time with mama and baby on the bed. She likes to join us because I sing songs and have my head close to the comforter, which is enticing and requires a certain amount of head rubbing on my shoulder. I have become accustomed to the cat following the baby and I from room to room and observing us with the occasional interaction. Of course, when we first came home from the hospital, I worried that the cat would take an unnatural interest in the baby and end up sleeping on her or scratching her or a million other dangerous or inconvenient things that cats do when they are displaced in the family hierarchy. Mrs. C has not succumbed to any evil thoughts she may be having, which is a huge relief. In fact, the baby seems to bring out her nurturing side. Those who have met Mrs. C may balk at this revelation -- this cat is generally a giant brat to extended family. However, if I am upset or need a friend, inevitably Mrs. C senses it and comes for some love to comfort me. She seems to do the same when it comes to the baby. The baby inspires interest, some purring and the occasional rabbit-kick roustabout with baby's stuffed animals. But so far, NO bad behavior. Whew.

Today, as we were engaging in our singing, sounds and soothing routine, the cat was especially friendly. She was rubbing unusually close to the baby's newly grabby hands. Lo and behold, a surprise to them both when baby girl's grip found the scruff of Mrs. C's neck! Mrs. C did not even flinch. She was quickly released and ended up laying down next to us and enjoying more of our singing interactions. I was able to get a photo of some further touching. They even held hands for a while. What a lovely beginning to this friendship!

We then decided to play a little before naptime. Baby girl received this colorful jumper from maternal grandma and grandpa. She doesn't quite fit in it, but with some blankets stuffed around her middle and some books under the foot surface, she can make some early use of it during play time. It really got her interest today. Of course, we all look forward to the time when she can make use of natural materials for play...wooden blocks, pull toys, cloth dolls, etc. However, it is sure convenient to have some plastic at this age for the bright colors and easy clean up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Four Months and Counting (too fast!)

New monkey fuzzy jammies from Brigit go very well with Tammy's handmade jungle cat quilt!

Well, baby girl has been in the world for four months now. I can hardly believe it. It is remarkable and UNFAIR that she is only this little for a very short time. Four months has been interesting to this point. So far, it means a weird sleep schedule, an aversion to naps, the ability to grab and gnaw on things (but only with a lot of help and attention from mama), lots of smiles and laughs, striking interest in own feet, and a mama who wishes every day went just a little more slowly. Oh, how wonderful she is! This developmental moment in her life requires my full attention. I tried to bring her to work over the last 10 days or so, and it was a complete disaster every time. She's just so interested in every little thing right now and simply cannot interact with the world on her own yet. Soon, too soon, she will be sitting up and playing with toys independently. That will make my life easier in a sense, but I'm just not ready for her to be that baby yet. I'm still loving this little baby that needs me to guide her in play every time.

Today she turned the pages of a book -- forward and backward -- watching the pages flip this way and that. Her little brain was working, I could see it doing its magic. And she gets so tired, but really doesn't want to stay asleep. There is just too much out there calling her name, ready for baby absorption! So we are working on good naps and good night sleeping. Baby girl has always been a pretty good sleeper, so this inconsistent nighttime business is hard to adjust to. But we are, and we will conquer!

We spend a little time each day working out our muscles in preparation for crawling. Tummy time is now a lot more exciting because baby girl can actually make work out goals. Like getting these plastic keys in her mouth!

Mission accomplished!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the Crib

Sweet girl slept in her crib for the first time last night. She was a champ! Kept her same routine and didn't seem fazed by the change. Mama, on the other hand, was sad to look at the empty bassinet. She is now napping in her crib for the second day in a row! I took this super sleuth picture of her nap, but due to no flash and holding the camera over my head from some distance away, it came out fuzzy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Joy to the World

Just a quick post to say how joyful we are today. Last night mama had an epiphany regarding naps, playtime and making the most of our days. Today has been full of stimulation and good naps for the little monkey. I am documenting our schedule to see what works and what doesn't. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will come up with a routine that works for both of us. (I am not a routine person by nature, so this is a challenge for mama more than baby. Baby wants a routine! She must take after her dad.) I am going to try to finish a project this afternoon while she is off in dreamland...

Here is a quick photo from today. She has learned to SPLASH in her tubby. Oh my goodness the kitchen floor is wet!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cold days = Comfort food

After our trip to the pumpkin patch, I whipped up a butternut squash soup. These soups can be more savory or more sweet depending on your taste. We typically enjoy adding apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne pepper and curry for a spicy sweet flavor. Now I am doing some cathartic baking after a long day at the office -- oatmeal cookies, yum!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

Today we started a new tradition -- picking out our fall pumpkins at a local pumpkin patch. I love family traditions! It was a chill 22 degrees last night, so we bundled our little darling up to head out to the orchard and check out some gourds. Fall fashions provided by paternal grandmother (sweet knitted purple sweater) and Angela (rainbow legwarmers) --- both very handy on this fall day!

Her dad helped her pick out her first pumpkin. It was nice and small -- and kind of warty! We love it. (Mostly, we love HER.)

There are several family traditions that our respective families have developed over the years that I want us to keep for our own. My family always opens one gift on Christmas Eve, and it is always new pajamas to wear that evening in preparation for our morning celebration. His family has developed a habit of snacking on various unique and delicious cheeses with yummy fresh bread on Christmas Eve. New PJs and loads of fancy cheese -- what can possibly beat that combo?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


If it is any indication, I am sitting in front of the computer eating Butter Pecan ice cream straight out of the container. Last night I finished the book-based family movie "Where the Red Fern Grows" and wept inconsolably for five minutes after the dogs died. (I should have known better -- I cried when I read the book in 4th grade.) I wake up full of ideas and have the energy to complete maybe half of one idea. (This includes charging the camera batteries -- sorry grandmas and grandpas out there, no pictures today!) It's like my hormones are repeating exactly the same pattern as in early pregnancy. I did make it to the grocery store this afternoon. I think I mainly got it done because I knew I would be purchasing this ice cream. And what delicious ice cream it is! Pause for a bite.

Baby girl is napping. Husband is in the garage working on his bicycle while our crazy dog "assists." Napping was still the theme this week for baby girl. She just does not like to doze off at my office. I'm contemplating a wacky schedule where I go into the office between 6 and 8am to work on projects, come home and hang with baby girl during the day, then see clients after 5pm, when possible. We'd still go into work in the afternoons when needed, but that way she could get her sleep. I just feel like a torture artist when we go to work, she doesn't sleep, and by 6pm she is a complete wreck of a munchkin. So tired she can't see straight, but unable to go down for the night at that time. It's a work in progress!

When I get the camera batteries charged, I will post some updated 15 week pictures of our little love monkey. She is nearing the 4 month mark. It is so hard to believe! So hard to believe she has to go in again for SHOTS in the next couple of weeks. If my emotions are still in this state, it will be a big mess for the whole family. I watched a baby get shots on TV the other day and burst into tears...PTSD.

Until the batteries are charged...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I thought I would be able to write something new everyday, but this was one of those weeks where it just wasn't possible. Between Junior League meetings, trying to run a small business, the actual work for my clients, managing the house, having company and, of course, loving and caring for a 3 month old...there just wasn't time! Baby girl was full of mischief this week as we try to figure out her nap schedule. Now that she is three months with an amazing growing brain and body, we want to be sure that she gets the sleep she needs. (Also, without it, she is a baby crab apple.) So this week was full of attempts at finding that perfect naptime routine. Websites dedicated to baby sleep indicate she should be getting about 10 hours at night and 5 during the day. Baby girl now goes to sleep around 8pm, sometimes waking at 2 am for a snack, sometimes not. She slept through the night, more or less, two or three times this week, which was pretty exciting. Last night, however, she slept half the night, then decided to get up for a two-hour free-for-all, much to her daddy's chagrin.

Day-napping is more complicated. I look forward to the day when 1pm rolls around and , like clockwork, her little eyes droop in naptime readiness. Instead, since she is such an alert, eager baby, she pushes herself to stay awake in order to chat, play and absorb anything and everything around her. Thus, her afternoon naps have been hit or miss. As a tiny baby, I could easily get her to sleep three hours in the afternoon. Now it takes swaddling and shushing to get her down for a couple of hours, with the hope that it will last just one more hour to make three. The afternoon nap is essential as that is the best opportunity for me to work for my clients. Sometimes she can nap at the office, sometimes she can't. Needless to say, when she doesn't get at least a few hours of sleep during the day, she becomes irritable and less likely to go down easily in the evening.

Mornings are my absolute favorite time of day with my baby girl. We usually get up and spend some time nursing and playing, then head out for a walk or jog. She often dozes off while we motor around the neighborhood with our "Bob" stroller. We get home, and I nurse her again, maybe eat, then grab a shower. She will often doze in her swing or bouncy seat while I am in the shower. Morning naps are easy to achieve compared to the big afternoon snooze. They just seem to fit into our schedule naturally. The afternoon nap requires planning and effort, which we don't always seem to master.

Despite a rough night with the munchkin, we woke up ready to love and play with her. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood and down to the nearby grocery store for some fresh bread. We had lunch with family, then Husband headed off to volunteer his time for the Fresh Hop Ale Festival -- a fabulous festival if there ever was one -- and baby girl is finally, finally down for her afternoon nap, leaving me a little time to write this update. Here are some photos of our morning.