I thought I would be able to write something new everyday, but this was one of those weeks where it just wasn't possible. Between Junior League meetings, trying to run a small business, the actual work for my clients, managing the house, having company and, of course, loving and caring for a 3 month old...there just wasn't time! Baby girl was full of mischief this week as we try to figure out her nap schedule. Now that she is three months with an amazing growing brain and body, we want to be sure that she gets the sleep she needs. (Also, without it, she is a baby crab apple.) So this week was full of attempts at finding that perfect naptime routine. Websites dedicated to baby sleep indicate she should be getting about 10 hours at night and 5 during the day. Baby girl now goes to sleep around 8pm, sometimes waking at 2 am for a snack, sometimes not. She slept through the night, more or less, two or three times this week, which was pretty exciting. Last night, however, she slept half the night, then decided to get up for a two-hour free-for-all, much to her daddy's chagrin.
Day-napping is more complicated. I look forward to the day when 1pm rolls around and , like clockwork, her little eyes droop in naptime readiness. Instead, since she is such an alert, eager baby, she pushes herself to stay awake in order to chat, play and absorb anything and everything around her. Thus, her afternoon naps have been hit or miss. As a tiny baby, I could easily get her to sleep three hours in the afternoon. Now it takes swaddling and shushing to get her down for a couple of hours, with the hope that it will last just one more hour to make three. The afternoon nap is essential as that is the best opportunity for me to work for my clients. Sometimes she can nap at the office, sometimes she can't. Needless to say, when she doesn't get at least a few hours of sleep during the day, she becomes irritable and less likely to go down easily in the evening.
Mornings are my absolute favorite time of day with my baby girl. We usually get up and spend some time nursing and playing, then head out for a walk or jog. She often dozes off while we motor around the neighborhood with our "Bob" stroller. We get home, and I nurse her again, maybe eat, then grab a shower. She will often doze in her swing or bouncy seat while I am in the shower. Morning naps are easy to achieve compared to the big afternoon snooze. They just seem to fit into our schedule naturally. The afternoon nap requires planning and effort, which we don't always seem to master.
Despite a rough night with the munchkin, we woke up ready to love and play with her. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood and down to the nearby grocery store for some fresh bread. We had lunch with family, then Husband headed off to volunteer his time for the Fresh Hop Ale Festival -- a fabulous festival if there ever was one -- and baby girl is finally, finally down for her afternoon nap, leaving me a little time to write this update. Here are some photos of our morning.
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