Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everybody Eats Well in Belgium

I finally broke down and bought the Everybody Eats Well in Belgium cookbook! has been recommending it to me for years. I've idly added it to my cart a dozen times, but always take it out at the last minute. I cook with about as much care as I blog! I love to write and I love to cook, but only when I have adequate time and preparation. With my new pregnancy, I have been craving an old Belgian favorite--Carbonade Flamande a la Liegeoise--essentially Belgian Beef Stew, but with a sweet kick by adding Liege syrup. I have tried to find "Du vrai sirop de Liege" for years, but could never find any. However, came through for me! And so I also bought, on their recommendation as well as my fellow Belgian exchangee Joanna's recommendation, this fantastic cookbook! It is really fun to read all of the recipes. Tonight we are having a "Belgian feast" with some friends--boulettes (meatballs), saussices (sausages), pommes de terre (potatoes), et la bonne salade de Mamy (Grandma's good salad--that is Grandma Collette in this case). Heavy perfect comfort food for a fall day. Maybe I'll blog about how tasty it was. Maybe. More likely I will prioritize trying to make the next recipe in my book. xx